Saturday 24 September 2016

Hello, read if you dare!

Hello everyone, I apologise to all of you as there hasn't been an upload in a few weeks, I will be uploading soon unfortunately college has been a bit busy the last few weeks as soon as everything settles back down I will be posting keep an eye seekers! 

Tuesday 13 September 2016

New poll please take a look and have your say! :)

Take a look at @entityseekers's Tweet:

Voting on twitter take a look to have your say!

Take a look at @entityseekers's Tweet:

Friday 9 September 2016

Doctor Who

Now, I don't know about you guys but everyone loves a bit of Doctor Who whether it is David Tennant, Matt Smith or Tom baker. Or all of the doctors above the doctor and his companions never seem to not amaze me. I know I know what your going to say your nuts your just a very big fan girl/guy of the show well yes I am but to be honest there is too much we don't even know about out there who says there couldn't be a real Doctor out there..their is defiantly enough space in the universe to be so! But that is up to you to decide :D so in this post I will be explaining the theories of why the doctor may be real and out there roaming the universe!

Now first The Weeping angels, cold haunting looking stone statues that quantum lock when not being looked at. Steven Moffat told people how he came up with the idea of the weeping angels and it's an interesting story. Supposedly Moffat went and visited a graveyard at first alone while looking at the grave stones he is faces with a human size stone angel which looked to be guarding the graveyard intrigued by this angel and how beautiful it looked he decided to find his son and show him however by the time they had gotten back to the grave yard the Angel had Dissapered...strange eh. 
Next up can anyone remember what protocol one is?

The Emergency Protocol One is only for fatal problems , the most obvious one would be if or when  the Doctor dies. The TARDIS then takes the companion home or wherever the doctor first met his companion and the sad part supposedly the  TARDIS is supposed to hide herself.  Isn't it funny and an interesting matter why it kicked didn't kick in when Donna was alone in Journey's End? Hmm strange!

The beautiful raggedy TARDIS!
As you can see from the  picture above it shows a raggedy-looking police box that has become part of the scenery, so much so, that a fence has been built not over it oh no it's built through it incredible right? This one has become one of the most well known mysteries all over the internet incredible right!

Image result for raggedy tardis real
It has prompted many Who fans to remember the Ninth Doctor telling Rose Tyler to leave the TARDIS on a street corner and let it die. The feels!
Image result for vincent van gough doctor who painting
Vincent Van Gogh may have painted and seen the TARDIS!
The name of the painting is Sunset at Montmajour' it was  recently found in a Norwegian man's attic. We all know Vincent van Gogh was friends with the Doctor and Amy Pond: can you not see the TARDIS in this photo above? can you? Is it Just  me or is there a little blue box in the Top left corner. Could it be no it couldn't OH YES it can!

i will be uploading more later on today!