Hello, hello I'm Sam (or Dusk) and this page is primarily going to be about the Vikings. Their lore, their mythology and the such like.
I will be uploading more but here's a snippet for now :) - Dusk

Vikings were people's of Scandinavia who raided and also traded with most lands in and around Europe mostly in the 8th and 11th centuries. This age became known as.. guess what? The Viking Age! These people were highly advanced for their time. Their seamanship was extraordinary having mapped from Norway all the way to Sicily and further.
Some particular famous Vikings.

Leif Eriksson
(It is believed that Leif, was born in Iceland around the 970s)

Image result for leif erikson vikingThis man was possibly the most famous Viking in history, having landed in what we now know as America around the year 1000. Around 500 years before Columbus, their are numerous legends surrounding him.

Ragnar Lodbrok (also known as Ragnar Hairy-Breeks)
Image result for Ragnar Lodbrok

Now anyone who has seen the TV show Vikings knows who I mean.
A legendary hero to the Norse people he was King of Denmark and a large part of Sweden and lead many raids into Paris, unfortunately he shipwrecked of the coast of England and was put to death. Some say by being thrown into a pit of vipers.

That's all for today I will upload some mythology and some lore soon let me know what you want to see =) - Dusk

Hi guys sorry for taking so long here's the next upload this one will cover Viking (or Norse) Religion :')
What Viking religion is:
Basically the religion of Scandinavian people's before the Christianization of Scandinavia however their were many deities to name a few:
Agrarian deities
The agrarian otherwise known as the Vanir are the opposite of the Aesir while not a lot is written about them the definite members are Njordr, Freyr and Freyja.
Njordr is the father of Freyr and Freyja, he's said to be associated with the sea, seafaring, wind, fishing, wealth and crop fertility so Viking people's would stand vigils to them in their houses to bring the gods blessing.
Freyr is said to be associated with sacral kingship, virility and prosperity she is a very important deity in the Vanir and said to be a ancestor of the Swedish Royal house
Freyja or the Lady is a Goddess in the Vanir and associated with love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, war and death and also was the owner of the necklace Brisingamen and pulls a chariot pulled by two cats and also keeps the boar Hildisvini also she keeps watch over the afterlife of Folkvangr where half of the dead go to her and the other to Valhalla.
Their will be more on the Aesir in the next few days :')
Dusk :')

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