Thursday 18 August 2016

Mermaids and mermans

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Mermaids and Merman's

With nearly three-quarters of the Earth covered by water, it's not very hard to believe there maybe somthing other then sea animals and other critters.   centuries ago, the oceans were believed to contain many mysterious creatures, including sea serpents and mermaids. Merfolk (mermaids and mermen) are, of course, only the marine version of half-human, half-animal legends that have captured humans  imagination for a long long time.
Woundering what the different meanings to Mermaid
In Old English, “mer” means “sea,” and “maid” simply meant woman. Mermaids are therefore “women of the sea” Following this line of etymological logic, a “mer” man (merman) would be a “man of the sea.” Both names make perfect sense and describe their natural habitat simply and to the point.  Mermaids and mermen are fish-like people who swim through the oceans and these sea creatures are normally seen
Now we've seen mermaids and mermen in films, documentaries and even in festivals however where does the true legend come from?
Ancient Syrian (~ 1000 BC)
The locals believed there was a goddess who went by the name of Artargatis. She was one of the goddesses of fertility women in particular spread the word of this beautiful goddess and eventually her cult increased in size and crossed over to Greece and Rome. However she spent just known for fertility she was also associated with water (especially lakes) and fish. Often depicted in mermaid form, Atargatis is guessed to be the “original” mermaid. Legend that has been passed down centuries however there are many different stories which surround Atargatis. The legends that surrounds this goddess is that she dove into a lake to become a fish, but only her bottom half was transformed.
Before the mermaid was seen or even heard of the merman was there way before the legend of a beautiful mermaid sat on the rocks brushing her hair and singing a sweet melody. The man who this legend is based on the Babylonian god Oannes predates the Syrian mermaid Atargatis by several thousand years. The legend goes that he had both a fish body and a human body. His human form was beneath his fish form, which allowed him to live among men on land as well as in the sea.
However there are all these legends about beautiful hansom men and women of the sea but there is also legends on how mermaids and merman's are described as monstrous and ugly, they are more usually very beautiful. Above the waist they appear as a lovely young woman, whilst from the waist down, they are like a fish with fins and a spreading tail.
There are some say there are different types of mermaids and merman here is an idea of some of them.
Some of these creatures live in lakes and rivers. In Slavic mythology there are the Rusalki, these are spirits of young women who have met their fate through drowning or even worse or more painful deaths that involve water. They appear in the form of beautiful fish-women or mermaids. They have lovely hair, fine features but sad fathomless eyes which tell their tragic tale. They entrance young men, taking them to the river floor to live with them.
In British folklore these creatures are bringers of bad fortune, capable of causing storms and killing humans.
One of the bad things that these mermaids are accused of include telling sailors their ship is doomed and enchanting sailors and causing shipwrecks. Seeing a mermaid is a sure sign of a violent storm to come. In other stories, however in other stories they deliberately drag people down in the water and squeeze the life out of drowning men. They also take men down to their underwater kingdoms to marry them.
However on occasions, mermaids can also bring good fortune and luck by giving humans cures or granting them wishes. In some tales and stories, they even marry and live with humans. For example, the Merrow of Ireland and Scotland.
These mermaids are beautiful, gentle, modest and kind. They wear a red cap and, if this is captured and hidden from them, they will shed their skins and stay on land. However, most times they eventually retrieve the cap and return to the sea. Doesn't this remind you of a very famous Disney movie?
They also lure young men to follow them beneath the waves. Here they live in an enchanted state. Merrow music is often heard coming from beneath the waves (however not played by sea creatures and crabs)
I hope you enjoyed this urban legend I will probably do a more detailed version later on about the stories from the past and also the the experiences of others who have seen or heard the beautiful or devastatingly
ugly creatures of the deep blue sea!

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Image result for merman

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